
Bird News Saturday 19th January

50 Waxwing were at Glenhill Park, Belfast, BT11 (Chris Veale)

5 Waxwings were feeding in gardens in Old Mill Heights, Culcavy, Hillsborough. (Garry Armstrong).

12 Waxwing were at Ardarawood, Comber this afternoon (Chris Shaw)

A first winter Glaucous Gull was at Ardglass Harbour (Keith Bennett)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Lough Money, Co Down. (Keith Bennett).

A male and female Brambling were visiting a garden of the Belmont Road, Belfast (Philip West)

A female Brambling was in a garden at Parkland Ave, Lisburn (Colin Mitchell)

The Cattle Egret was still at St Johnstone, Co Donegal this morning.

The Bittern showed well from 4.30 to dusk at Inch, Co Donegal. Also a male Smew and 1 Pinkfoot (Brad Robson and Matthew Tickner)

The 2nd winter Iceland Gull was at McConnells Weir, Belfast this morning (Paul Scott)

2 calling Waxwings flew over the tow path near Lagan Valley Hospital this afternoon (Eric Randall)

2 Black-throated Diver were at Greyabbey in Strangford Lough. On the Down side of Belfast Lough the adult Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport and a Whimbrel nearby at Sheep Point (Richard Weyl)

In south Down a Black Redstart, 12 Twite and 25 Knot were at the south end of Tyrella beach. A Greenshank was at Killough Harbour (Simon Morton, Jill Campbell)

A female Brambling and 4 Siskin were in a garden at Waterloo Park in Belfast (Larry Toal)

A male Brambling, 30 Tree Sparrow, a male Blackcap and a male Bullfinch were in a garden in Castlerock (Mervyn Guthrie)

Well done to regular contributor Ron Price for his RSPB Presidents Award in relation to volunteering.

Thanks to Cameron Moore for this pic of a female Blackcap. You can see more pics at

Blackcap - Cameron Moore

Waxwing - Garry Armstrong

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