
Bird News Monday 7th January

A 2nd winter Iceland Gull was at McConnell's Weir in Belfast. (Bird Guides)

A female Merlin was along Borea Road at Binevenagh (Lowell Mills)

Yesterday two Mealy Redpoll and the anomalous 'african' type Chaffinch were at a garden in Richhill, Co. Armagh (Andrew Poots) 

Thanks to Tom McCreery for this pic of a Tree Sparrow at Portmore Lough, and to andrew for the Mealy Redpoll and Chaffinch pic. You can see more pics at

Chaffinch showing some African Chaffinch features - Andrew Poots

Mealy Redpoll (left) with Lesser Redpoll - Andrew Poots

Tree Sparrow - Tom McCreery

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