
Bird News Sunday 6th January

The drake Ring-necked Duck is still at the south end of Lough Money. 3 Twite were on seaweed at the south end of Tyrella beach, an adult Red Kite without wingtags flew over. A drake Long-tailed Duck was with the Scoter flock off Murlough. (Keith Bennett)

The Bonapartes Gull was again at Larne, showing at the outflow in the harbour (Gavin Ferguson)

The Ring-billed Gull and two Carrion Crow were at Groomsport. (Stephen Maxwell)

The adult Little Gull was at the car park at the water sports centre at Craigavon Lakes (Fulton Somerville, Janet McKevitt)

Two Brambling were at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve (Ed O'Hara and Mark McMullan)

The Bittern was seen again today from the Causeway out to Inch Island, Co Donegal (Derek Brennan) and the cattle egret was at St Johnstone, Co Donegal.

A Med gull was at Loughshore Park, Belfast Lough (Stuart mcKee)

A male Brambling and a female Blackcap were in a garden in Islandmagee (Robert McDowell)

Thanks to Stephen for the Ring-billed and Carrion Crow/pics, Ed for the Brambling and Mark Smyth for a recent Waxwing pic.You can see more pics at:

Ring-billed Gull, third winter - Stephen Maxwell
Carrion Crow- Stephen Maxwell
Brambling - Ed O'Hara
Waxwing - Mark Smyth

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