
Bird News Thursday 3rd January

Late news from yesterday was of 2 Little Egret in an open drain in a field just off the Armagh Road near Mountnorris, Co. Armagh. (Ruth Agnew).

Between 8.00 and 9.00 this morning a survey of diver movement from Whitehead seafront produced 83 Red-throated Diver and 2 Great Northern Diver all flying into Belfast Lough, a Black-throated Diver was on the water immediately off the car park at Whitehead. A simultaneous count from Groomsport produced another 15 Red-throated Diver. (Ian Enlander)

There were a number of Waxwings (I counted 7) in the trees along Castle Street in Bangor today (just in front of the Library beside Ward Park) at around 1pm (Tom Swann) There was also 2 on Grange Road, Bangor.

A female Brambling was visiting a garden in Gilnahirk.( Ron Price.)

A Goosander along with 200 Whooper Swan(see picture below) were at Portmore Lough and 5 Ruddy Duck were still present at Oxford Island.(E.O'Hara)

A Slavonian Grebe was at Bann Estuary (Ciaran and Seamus Burns).

A first-winter Iceland Gull and Kittiwake were at Ardglass Harbour with a Red-throated Diver just over the harbour wall (Warren Fowles).

Yesterday 300 Wigeon, 12 Shoveler, 50 Teal, a Buzzard, Greenfinch, Reed Bunting and Goldfinch were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Andy Elliott).

The Bittern is still at Inch Lake in Donegal, it is at the west end of the causeway out to Inch Island, see picture below. (Nigel Moore/Gary Wilkinson).

Thanks to todays photographers, to Ed O'Hara for the Whooper Swan picture, to Nigel Moore for the Bittern picture and to 11 year old Adam Middleton for the Moorhen picture. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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