
Bird News Wednesday 2nd January

The Little Gull and the Knot are both still at the south Balancing Lake in Craigavon, see pictures below, 5 Ruddy Duck were at Oxford Island. (Ed O'Hara).

A Sandwich Tern was at Portavogie. A 'North-Eastern' Jackdaw, presumed 'Nordic Jackdaw' ssp. monedula was at Ballyhalbert. (Kery Leonard).

A Dipper was in Clabby village, Co Fermangh, this morning, on the small stream beside the business units. (Colin Bell).

30 Waxwing and 20/30 Redwing and Fieldfare were at Victoria Park in Belfast. Unusually a brood of 3 Mallard only a few days old was also noted (Aaron Davis).

A male Brambling, 3 Lesser Redpoll, 12 Long-tailed Tit and 4 Siskin were in a garden in Sion Mills. A Merlin was hunting in the fields (Hazlett Harkness).

A Great Northern Diver was at Groomsport and the adult Ring-billed Gull was still present (Francis Duffin).

A second-winter Iceland Gull was reported at Ballycastle.

Six neck banded Greylag Geese were at Inch Lake in Donegal today, see picture below. (Christine Cassidy).

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the Little Gull pictures and Christine Cassidy for the picture of the neck banded Greylags.


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