
Bird News Tuesday 1st January

The Ring-billed Gull and 2 Carrion / Hooded Crows were at Groomsport this morning. 6 Purple Sandpipers were on the rocks by the seawall, a Red-throated Diver was just off the harbour. 3 Sandwich Terns were on the beach south of Millisle. 2 Slavonian Grebe were at Big Rock Bay in Strangford and a Little Egret at the Floodgates. (Ed O'Hara).

A Fem/imm Hen Harrier was at Aghalee and 3 Slavonian Grebe at Portmore Lough(Nigel Ireland)
A Waxwing was at Wyncairn in Larne (Stephen Foster)
On  the Outer Ards penisula there was 1 Slavonian Grebe at Greyabbey, a Fieldfare and 10 Redwing in fields N of Greyabbey, a Water Rail was calling at Ballyherly Lough, a Jack Snipe was at Ballyquinton Point along with 2 Carrion Crow and a Sandwich Tern, there was also 3 Sandwich Tern at Portaferry.(K.Bennett)

Our thanks to Noel Austin for the photographs of the Reed Bunting(top) Buzzard and also to Ed O'Hara for this picture of a  hybrid Carrion /Hooded Crow which was at Groomsport to-day. Our bottom photo is of a Stonechat by Zach McCreery.

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