
Bird News Monday 20th May

The Tawny Owl was seen again at Castle Ward, a pair of Spotted Flycatchers was also present. (Sam & Andrea Scott).

An Osprey was over Clough in Co. Down at 5.15 this evening. (Adam McClure).

A Garganey was off the hide at the Quoile, see picture below. (Craig Nash).

A single Curlew Sandpiper and 2 Sanderling were with a large flock of waders, including at least 400 Ringed Plovers and 250 Dunlin, at Dundrum Inner Bay North. A single Cuckoo was at Murlough Nature Reserve. (Ian Jackson & David Nixon).

An Osprey was at Larne Lough at 9.45am before flying off north (Cameron Moore).  

A first-summer Little Gull and the adult hybrid Mediterranean x Black-headed Gull were at Belfast harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).    

Yesterday evening 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker were at Drum Manor Forest near Cookstown (Seamus and Ciaran Burns).    

A Short-eared Owl was taken into care at the Avian Care Trust (per Margaret Adamson).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Stephen Maxwell for the first picture of the Tawny Owl, to Andrea Scott for the second picture of the Tawny Owl, to Craig Nash for the pictures of the Garganey from the Quoile, to Dick Glasgow for the first Sedge Warbler picture, to Martina Boyle for the picture of the Iceland Gull, to Alistair Prentice for the second Sedge Warbler picture, to Stuart McKee for the pictures of the hybrid Mediterranean x Black-headed Gull and to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Osprey from Larne Lough. You can see more NI bird pictures at



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