
Bird News Tuesday 21st May

The Tawny Owl is still present at the sunken garden in Castleward N.T. Strangford.

A Marsh Harrier was at Inishmore, Upper Lough Erne, Co Fermanagh (Giles Knight)

The Cattle Egret was seen going onto the island in Hillsborough Lake at 15.30 and was still present at 16.15.(Suzanne Belshaw)
The Little Gull was still at RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve and the Med x BLack-headed Gull is still on the larger island.  A Cuckoo was also calling on the waste land opposite the reserve on Airport Road West (Chris Sturgenor)

Two Spotted Flycatchers and a male Yellow Wagtail were the best on Tory Island today (Davy Hunter)
Our thanks to Craig Nash for the two wonderful pics. of the Castleward Tawny Owl. Also to Noel Austin for his fine image of a White Wagtail.

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