
Bird News Saturday 31st August.

No sign of the Wilsons Phalarope this morning at the Belfast Harbour estate reserve, it did have 3 Ruff, 1 Green Sandpiper and 60 Dunlin (Garry Armstrong/Ed O'Hara)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Whiteabbey, Belfast Lough this evening. (Paul McCullough).

 Along the Armagh shore of Lough Neagh an adult Yellow-legged Gull was at Ardmore - apparently seen later at Reedy Flat (Clifford Sharpe).

There were 3 Ravens at Scrabo quarry outside Newtownards this morning. (David McCormick).

A juvenile Golden Eagle has been seen by 3 different people on different days passing over the Shantallow, Galliagh, Buncrana Road in Derry. Last seen on Tuesday morning 27th. the bird flys in the direction of the Skeoge Mountains. Anyone in the Inch area may want to keep a look out for it. (Martina Boyle).

Slighty further afield....A Semi -palmated Sandpiper was at Bloody Foreland and a sea-watch produced 7 Pomarine Skua, 7 Arctic Skua, 40 Great Skua, 203 Sooty Shearwater, 100 Manx Shearwater.(Chris Ingram)
Melmore Head Co.Donegal produced 1 ad Sabines, 14 Pom.Skua, 38 Great Skua, 6 Arctic Skua, 1 Long-tailed Skua, 1 Balearic Shearwater,200 Sooty Shearwater, 50 Arctic Tern and a Great Northern Diver (Eric Randall)

The Snowy Owl was still on Aranmore (Brian Hegarty)

Our thanks to Zach McCreery for the wonderful shot of a Kingfisher and to Peter Welch for the picture of the young Wheatear.  


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