
Bird News Friday 30th August

The juvenile Wilson's Phalarope was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon until at least 7pm. Also noted over the day there were 100 Dunlin, 5 Ruff and 2 Common Sandpiper (Gerard McGeehan, George Gordon, Warren Fowles).

A Marsh Harrier flew south at 1pm along Ballynahinch Road 4 miles from Lisburn (Nigel Ireland).

At Larne Lough 5 Little Egret were on the south side of Ballycarry Bridge (Cameron Moore)

A 3hr seawatch at  Melmore Head tonight had: 1 adult sabs 3 grt shears 4 poms 12bonxies 2 arctic skua 52 sooties15 arctic terns. (Eric Randall)

Thanks to William Smiton for this pic of the Wilsons Phalarope (top) and to Cameron Moore for the pic of the Grey Plover (bottom):

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