
Bird News Thursday 29th August

The Wilsons Phalarope is still at Belfast Harbour RSPB Reserve (Chris Sturgeon)

A juv Black Tern was seen on Big Copeland & a Short-eared Owl on Mew Island this afternoon (Kerry Leonard)

A Little Egret flew past this Briggs rocks this evening , 12 Knot were being harassed by a female Merlin earlier.(Colin Guy)
Two White-rumped Sandpipers were at Blanketnook, Co Donegal (Ralph Sheperd)

Thanks to Stewart McKee for these 2 pics of the Wilsons Phalarope from today: Also to Christine Cassidy for this fine image of a Turnstone and also to John Clarke who unexpectedly trapped this Knot while ringing Strom Petrels. 


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