
Bird News Thursday 22nd August.

An Alpine Swift was along the Moira Road in Lisburn at the junction of Knockmore Road. It was flying fast and seemed not to stay in the area (Billy Miskelly)

A Green Sandpiper was at Lough Beg in the evening (David Steele)

A Red Throated Diver was seen at Carnlough and an Osprey was seen today at Lough Beg between Long Point and Dewhamill, it was sitting from 19.47-20.22 until it was disturbed then flew north. (Ciaran Burns)

The Spotted Redshank still at the RSPB Belfast Harbour estate reserve.(Birdguides)

The Green Sandpiper was still at Shaw's Lake.(Frank Carroll)

Our thanks for the photograph's kindly sent in by Alistair Prentice of the Kingfisher   also to Neil Cartmill of the Sparrowhawk. The third photo. is of a Chiffchaff from Zach McCreery and the bottom pic. of a Kingfisher is from Tom McCreery.


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