
Bird News Wednesday 21st August

A Spotted Redshank and a Green Sandpiper were at the RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve (Gerard McGeehan)

A Ruff and a Common Sandpiper are in the Kinnegar lagoon in the company of a few dunlin, redshanks and lapwing. (Gilly Irwin)

A Green Sandpiper was at Shaws Lake - considered a different bird to the one seen there on 18th (Joe Devlin, Clifford Sharpe)

In Co Louth, the Pectoral Sandpiper was still at Dundalk Docks this afternoon (Gerry O'Neil)

A Spotted Flycatcher seen this morning behind along the Newry Canal just north of Newry. (Frank Carroll)

Thanks to David Hill for this picture of a Common Tern from RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve, Alistair Prentice for this Blackbird enjoying the berry crop and David Cassells for the Buzzard:

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