
Bird News Monday 9th September

A Wood Sandpiper and 2 Little Stint have been seen at the RSPB Belfast Harbour reserve (Chris Sturgeon)

3 Black Tern were amongst a mixed flock of around 250 Common/Arctic and Sandwich Tern at Briggs Rocks Co.Down(Colin Guy)

A Whimbrel and 5 Twite were at Groomsport and 2 Common Sandpiper a Whimbrel and a Wheatear were at Briggs Rocks.(Margaret Adamson)

Last night a Barn Owl was seen on the Strangford Rd in Ardglass.(Declan Clarke)

Tory Island had a Common Rosefinch beside the football pitch, a Lesser Whitethroat and a Pied Flycatcher (Chris Ingram)

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for this fine image of a Ruff taken at the RSPB Belfast Harbour reserve, also to  Alistiar Prentice for this pic of a Bullfinch:

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