
Bird News Tuesday 10th September

3 Avocets  are at Knockinelder Beach, Co Down. (still there at 7:10pm) This is the beach just south of Kearney. They were feeding along the shoreline. They were found by  Keith Bennett who has suggested they were three young males - male on beak and cap, young on worn brownish coverts. 

A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was at Ardilea in Co Down, Red Kite and Kingfisher seen too. (David Nixon and Clifford Sharpe)

At Larne Lough a Carrion Crow, 4 Greenshank and an adult Mediterranean Gull were at Ballycarry Bridge. There was no sign of the 2 Spotted Redshank although they were there yesterday (Cameron Moore)

A Kingfisher was at Carrickfergus Harbour near the castle (Paul McCullough)

Thanks to Keith for the digi scope pics of the Avocets:

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