
Bird News Saturday 21st September

Yellow Wagtail was still showing on Kinnegar shore, it was on the shingle were the river meets the sea (Ian Graham).

A Curlew Sandpiper was at Newcastle, Co Down (Ed O'Hara)

2 Little Stint were with 40 Ringed Plover and 12 Turnstone at Killard Point (Dot Blakely)

Grey Point, Belfast Lough had an adult Med Gull, a light phase Arctic Skua and a Whìmbrel.

A Little Stint and 2 Ruff were at the Bann Estuary. 2 Med Gulls were at Myroe (Gerard McGeehan)

Thanks to Ed for the pictures of the Newcastle Curlew Sandpiper and Stephen Maxwell for the Black-tailed Godwit:


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