
Bird News Friday 20th September

The Yellow Wagtail was still at Kinnegar Shore. (George Gordon).

A Barn Owl was seen early this morning near Kirkubbin. (Keith Bennett).

2 Red Kite were at Leitrim in Co. Down. (Ed O'Hara).

2 of the American Golden Plover, a Buff Breasted Sandpiper and a Ruff were at Myroe. (Seamus Feeney). An adult Dotterel was also present today. (BirdGuides).

For those interested in a mega twitch, a Wilsons Warbler, the third record for the WP has been found on Dursey Island. 

Thanks to all of today's photographers. The Yellow Wagtail is proving very popular, the first three pictures of it are from Stephen Maxwell, the fourth picture is from Anne Guichard and the fifth from Alan Gallagher. Alan has also sent the picture of the Pied Wagtail. The Red Kite and Sanderling pictures are from Ed O'Hara, the Little Gull pictures are from Cameron Moore and the Greylag Geese in flight are from Martina Boyle. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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