
Bird News Thursday 19th September.

4 Ruff were at the RSPB Belfast Harbour Estate reserve.

1,000 Kittiwake, 100 Gannet, 100 Manx Shearwater, were all feeding in Dundrum Bay also one Red -throated Diver, 1 Merlin, 20 Golden Plover, 10 Skylark and a Wheatear .   Evening roost at Killough had 4 Little Egret a ad Med. Gull and 60 Sandwich Tern, earlier a Whimbrel was at Rossglass. (Chris Murphy)

The second winter Little Gull was seen again at Whitehead. Also present were 4 Red-throated Diver and a Great Northern Diver. 11 Greenshank and 2 Little Egret were at Glynn and 6 Little Egret and 2 Carrion Crow at Ballycarry Bridge (Cameron Moore)

An ad Little Gull was on Kinnegar shore.(Karly Hamilton)

Our thanks to Mervyn Campbell for the photo of the Turnstones. Also to Tom McCreery for the picture of the Robin.

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