
Bird News Monday 14th October

A probable juvenile Rose-coloured Starling was in Strabane. The bird was on the main carriageway about 750m south of the Lifford bridge turn off. It was with a small flock of Starlings. (Peter Phillips)

A Red-necked Grebe, 2 Slavonian Grebe and 7 Great crested Grebe were in Greyabbbey Bay this morning (James Robinson)

A Spotted Redshank, 8 Ruff and a small party of Redwing were at the southern end of Lough Beg. A Little Egret was further up the shore (Matthew Tickner, Gareth Bareham)

The drake Long-tailed Duck was still at Portballintrae. 5 Twite were nearby.
30 Twite were also near the Causeway Hotel (Colin Guy)

Thanks to Christine Cassidy (top) and John Kelly (bottom) for the pics of the leucistic Grey Heron at Culmore Point, Derry:

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