
Bird News Tuesday 15th October

The Red-necked Grebe was again at Greyabbey Bay South, along with a Slavonian Grebe (Robert Scott)

Tory Island had the juvenile Rose-coloured Starling, a Northwestern Redpoll and the possible Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Peter Phillips)

A White-rumped Sandpiper and a Ruff were at the Bann Estuary (Irish Birding)

Two Curlew Sandpiper were at Blanketnook, Co Donegal (Brian Murphy)

At Larne Lough an eclipse male Goosander, first-winter Mediterranean Gull and 7 Little Egret were at Ballycarry Bridge. A female Common Scoter was at Mill Bay (Cameron Moore)

A first-winter Mediterranean Gull was at the mouth of the Inver River in Larne ( N Robinson)

Yesterday at Lough Neagh 192 Whooper Swan were at Lennymore near Crumlin - the highest October WeBS count there since 2003. Also present were 17 Goldeneye the only October WeBS record since 1997 (Nigel Ireland)

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for this charismatic pic of a Robin and Christine Cunningham for the Whoopers in flight:

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