
Bird News Wednesday 16th October

2 Slavonian Grebe were at Greyabbey Bay South (Robert Scott)

For those interested. Castle Island Hide overlooking Quoile Pondage will be reopened tomorrow. (Tony Donaldson)

The juvenile Rose-coloured Starling was still on Tory Island (Victor Caschera)

The adult Forster's Tern was at Rogerstown Estuary at the east end to west of Spout Lane late afternoon (Sean Pierce)

Lower Lough Erne islands RSPB reserve Co Fermanagh today has 60 redwing and 10 blackbirds in a flock. Llate news from the reserve for Monday was of 1 Jack Snipe and 77 Snipe (Brad Robson)

A Goosander was at Ballycarry Bridge (Cameron Moore)

Thanks to Noel Austin for this pic of a Pied Wagtail and Cameron Moore for the Goosander:

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