
Chough Sightings

A Call for Chough Sightings

With only one pair of breeding chough in Northern Ireland, nesting on Rathlin Island, the RSPB are keen to receive any sightings on the mainland along the North Coast.  The adult birds and juveniles normally move to the Fairhead area at this time of year.  From recent reports it seems that last weeks Northerlies prompted the move. It’s expected that the family group will spend a few weeks around Fairhead and Murlough Bay area but could also move elsewhere along the coast. During the winter period we generally loose track of the birds as they move away from the North Coast and any sightings are essential to build a picture of movements throughout the year. If you are out and about and spot any chough on your way please contact Michael McLaughlin at the RSPB or on 028 90699091

Adult Chough with two juveniles, Rathlin, by Anne Guichard:

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