
Bird News Thursday 17th October

A Hoopoe is on the beach at Greencastle, Co. Down, see pictures below. (Joe Devlin).

Two Swallows were flying around a field at the top of Springwell Drive, Groomsport this morning. (Brian Orr).

2 Redwing were at Kinnegar. (Karl Hamilton).

2 Slavonian Grebe were at the Bann estuary and 5 Barnacle Geese were at Myroe today. (Hill Dick /Peter Robinson).

2 Stonechats were on bushes at Murlough, on heathland close to the hard standings near Murlough House this evening. (Sean Hennessy).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Joe Devlin for the pictures of the Hoopoe, to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Mistle Thrush and the Meadow Pipit, to Alistair Prentice for the picture of the Whooper Swan and to Ed O'Hara for the pictures of the Sanderling.



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