
Bird News Monday 28th October.

The juv. American Golden Plover still at the floodgates, Newtownards. (Birdguides)

A Common Sandpiper and a Dipper were feeding on the edge of a garden pond near Castlewellan (Vivienne Nixon)

2 Purple Sandpiper were on the rocks off the Long Hole in Bangor and a Red-throated Diver and Great Northern Diver off Groomsport harbour (Margaret Adamson).

Our kind thanks to Dick Glasgow for this fine shot of a Goldfinch Margaret Adamson for the 2 picture's, the first  featuring Whooper Swans 4 Pink -footed Geese and 2 Greylag Geese(the Greylags are the two right-hand birds) and the second featuring a Purple Sandpiper and two Turnstone.

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