
Bird News Tuesday 29th October

An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Carrickfergus harbour (Cameron Moore).  

8 Redwing were at Eglinton and 20 Fieldfare were on Donnybrewer Road, Campsie, Derry. (Brian Hegarty).  

At Strangford Lough a Merlin was being mobbed by a Black-headed Gull at Holm Bay and several Gannet and a Buzzard were close to the shore (Spencer Marshall).

2 Grey Phalarope passed Ramore Head, Portrush this morning. (Bird Guides).

At the Floodgates in Newtownards around 4:30pm, there was 1 Little Egret, 20+ Shelduck, at least 1 Greylag Goose, 2 Grey Heron, 2 Redshank, 14 Lapwings, over 100 Brent Geese and approximately 50 Pintail. (David McCormick).

A 1st winter Glaucous Gull and a KIngfisher were along the shore at Cushendall. (Colin Guy).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Christine Cassidy for the pictures of the Whooper Swan, to David McCormick for the picture of the Little Egret, to Ed O'Hara for the picture of the Common Scoter, to David Hill for the pictures of the Linnets and the Oystercatchers and to Christine Cunningham for the picture of the Red Squirrel. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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