
Bird News Saturday 5th October

A Black Brant is at Kinnegar Shore, Belfast (Stewart McKee)

The Crane was still at Myroe, plus 2 Swallows. Of over 2000 Brent seen on Lough Foyle, not one was a juvenile, so a bad breeding season (David Nixon)

A Spotted Sandpiper was at the east end of Tory Island. The Rose-coloured Starling was at the harbour (Tim Murphy / Jim Dowdall)

In Co Donegal, 2 Curlew Sandpipers were at Magheroarty Beach, 3 Curlew Sands and a Semi-palmated Sandpiper were at Derrybeg (Ralph Shepperd / Chris Ingram)

At Ballyquintin Point were a Whimbrel, a Chiffchaff, a Wheatear, 4 Red-throated Diver and 25 Scoter. At Kirkiston were 3 Wheatear. (Richard Weyl)

Blackhead this morning had 2 Common Scoter, 8 Red -throated Diver and 60 Brent Geese. Kinnegar this afternoon had 8 Common Tern and 2 Sandwich Tern.(Ian Enlander)

A Chiffchaff was briefly in song at Carr's Glen in Belfast.(Larry Toal) 

Our thanks to Stephen Maxwell and Stuart McKee for the photograph's of the Black Brant at Kinnegar shore. Stephen took the top Stuart the second, Stephen also took the pic. of  the Curlew in flight  thanks also to Kay Wheeler for the Little Stint pic from Larne yesterday and also to Ed O'Hara for the Brent Geese.

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