
Bird News Sunday 6th October

The Crane is still at Myroe (Keith Bennett / Ed O'Hara)

Three Curlew Sandpipers were at the Bann Estuary (Keith Bennett)

The Spotted Sandpiper was still at the east end beach on Tory Island. The Rose-coloured Starling was still at West Town and an American Golden Plover was also seen this afternoon. (Chris Ingram)

A Chiffchaff singing away in the trees beside Larne Promenade this morning (Adam McClure)

A Jack Snipe was at Portavogie and a Blackcap and a Chiffchaff at Kearney (Richard Weyl).

An American Golden Plover was with the Golden Plover in fields at Ballykelly, 2 Curlew Sandpiper were also present on the shore. (PhilipWest/Ed O'Hara)

A Spotted Redshank was in Cushendall bay, close to Agnew's Field (John McKillop)

Yesterday a Red Kite was soaring over Clandeboye Estate Bangor before drifting over Kilcooley / Clandeboye Heights then returning towards the estate (Colin Cardy)

Two Pergrine Falcons were seen in Sion Mills this morning (Brian Hegarty)

Around 20 House Martins, Buzzard & Jay were present at Carnmoney Hill, Belfast (Jim McKeown)

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the pic of the Crane and Mark Killops for the Turnstone:

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