
Bird News Thursday 24th October.

Waxwing's have been reported, feeding on berries at the bottom of Trooper's Lane Carrickfergus, they were first seen yesterday.(George Stewart) Although it seems an early report, they have been reported both in Scotland and England, sort of makes you feel that winter is just around the corner

17 Whooper Swans passed overhead, 25 Redwings and 3 Choughs were at the South end of Rathlin Island. (Colin Guy)

An Arctic Tern was at Annalong while at Greencastle  there was a Slavonian Grebe, a Merlin and a Wheatear. (Joe Devlin)

A Chough was at the top of the Fanad peninsula Co. Donegal with 20 Gannets offshore (Rob McAllister)

40+ Pied Wagtail were on the top storey of Hi Park car park in High St Belfast - presumably a pre-roost gathering? (Ian Enlander)

Our thanks to Lindsay Hodges for the picture of a Greenshank taken at the floodgates, N'ards. Also to Ed O'Hara for the 3 Whooper Swan. Martina Boyle for the leucistic Grey Heron. Bottom photo of a head on shot of a Whooper sent in by Alistair Prentice.

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