
Bird News Wednesday 23rd October

A late Wheatear was at Derryneil near Slievecroob this morning (Shelagh Henry)

An adult MediterraneanGull, 5 Sandwich Tern, 60 Eider and 7 Pale-bellied Brent were at Ballyholme Bay. Yesterday 3 Common Scoter were seen in flight (Shane Wolsey)

In south Down a Pink-footed Goose, 8 Turnstone, 44 Teal and 4 Wheatear
were at Killard Point (Dot Blakely)

This morning Ramore Head and Portrush area had 1 Pomarine Skua, 86 Barnacle Geese, 94 Brent Geese, 4 Greenland White-fronted Geese, 3 Common Scoter, 3 Great Northern Diver, 6 Wigeon, 4 Whooper Swans, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers and a Redwing. This afternoon between Ballintoy and Ballycastle had 103 Whooper Swans in mixed flocks, 2 Greenland  White-fronted Geese and 32 Barnacle Geese (Colin Guy)

A Med Gull was at Whitehead seafront (Ian Enlander)

Thanks to Lindsay Hodges for this pic of a Buzzard in Newtownards:

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