
Bird News Friday 7th February

The Cattle Egret was still at Hillsborough Lake, showing at 7:45 this morning. (Adam McClure)

2 Ravens were over the Hogstown Road near Donaghadee yesterday afternoon (David McCormick)

There was no sign of the Pacific Diver, first thing this morning, at Lough Fea. A red headed Goosander was present (Owen Foley)

There were 20 or so twite over Patton's Marsh, Newtownards this morning, together with Skylarks. (Lindsay Hodges)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was near the walled garden at Florencecourt estate, Co Fermanagh this morning (Pam Fogg). 

Male and female Goosander were at Rath Lough south Donegal this afternoon  (Brad Robson).

A Little Egret was seen today at 12 50pm at Mallusk, Belfast Golf Course. (Peter McAllister).

Dundrum Bay had the adult drake Surf Scoter with possibly a second bird, 2,500 Common Scoter, 4 Velvet Scoters (3 imm drakes, another too distant to say), at least 5 Long-tailed Ducks, 5 Eider, 10 Great Northern Divers, 8 Red-throated Divers, also 1 Porpoise. (Chris and Tim Murphy, Doris Noe).

Tyrella had 60 Sanderling, 8 Purple Sandpipers, 1 Peregrine, 3 Kestrels, 1 Carrion Crow with a Carrion x Hooded hybrid, 4 Stonechats, 40 Skylarks (Tim Murphy).

A Sandwich Tern was at Bar Hall Bay in Strangford Narrows (Joe Furphy).

A Little Egret was in flooded fields along the Bann at Toomebridge (Tony McCormick).

The Glossy Ibis is still at Derrymacash near Oxford Island. (BirdGuides).

2 Pink-footed Geese were at Derrytrasna on the south shore of Lough Neagh. (Birdguides).

Thanks to Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the Twite, the first Little Egret and the Skylark and to Alex Coroliu for the last two pictures of the Little Egret.



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