
Bird News Saturday 8th February

Both the Pacific Diver, and the Derrytrasna Glossy Ibis were looked for without success.

The Cattle Egret flew into Hillsborough Lake at 3:45 pm & landed on the island close to the cormorants (Kevin Kirkham-Brown)

A Red Kite was at the Blackstaff at Dundrum Inner Bay North and 14 Grey Plover and 5 Little Egret at Castle Espie (Gerard McGeehan)

Newcastle Co.Down had 1000 Common Scoter,2 Long-tail Duck,25 Great Northern Diver. Tyrella had 2 Kestrel,30 Sanderling,5 Twite,30 Linnets,3 Stonechat and 200
Dunlin(Ed O'Hara)

A Red-necked Grebe, Barnacle Goose, 2 Pink-footed Geese and 2 Ruff were at Inch Lake in Donegal (Matthew Tickner)

Killybeggs had 5 Kumliens Gulls, 10 Glaucous and 8 Iceland Gulls (Birdguides)

Thanks to Noel Austin for this pic of a Great Crested Grebe at Oxford Island:

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