
Bird News Monday 24th February

9 Common Crossbills were at Tullychurry Forest, Co Fermanagh today. (Brad Robson).

A Carrion Crow was in a field at Ballyvaston, north of Squires Hill outside Belfast, loosely associating with a group of Hooded Crows. (Clive Mellon).

3 Great Northern Diver were at Glenarm and a Buzzard was nearby. (Stephen Maxwell).

A Great Northern Diver was at Waterfoot. (Dick Glasgow).

The adult male Surf Scoter was with several hundred Common Scoter off Newcastle Harbour. At least 18 Great Northern Diver were in the area - some of them very close (Stuart McKee).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Dick Glasgow for the first Great Northern Diver picture and the Grey Heron picture, to Stephen Maxwell for the second and third pictures of Great Northern Divers and for the pictures of the Buzzard and the Curlew and to Mark Killops for the picture of the Fulmar. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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