
Bird News Sunday 23rd February.

The Pacific Diver was again seen on Lough Fea. Co. Tyrone.(T.Ennis/C.Gillespie.)
Before yesterday the last reported sighting to the blog was Sunday 2nd February.

A male and female Surf Scoter where offshore at Newcastle. Co.Down.(Birdguides)

The Glossy Ibis was seen at the Closet Meadows, Oxford Island.(M.Killops/M McManus)

Ballyquintin Point,Co Down had a Short-eared Owl and a Jack Snipe. Portavogie had 33 Great-Northern Diver.(R.Weyl)

A pair of Goosander was along the River Main at Slaght near Ballymena (David Steele).

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard along the Ulster Way at Ballyleidy in Clandeboye Estate (Karl Hamilton).

The Pink-footed Goose was still at Ann's Point with a notable count of 10 Stock Dove in adjoining field. 3 Sandwich Tern where at Portaferry along with 4 Carrion Crow.(G.Armstrong/P.West.)

Our thanks to (from the top)Tom McCreery for the Purple Sandpiper. Lindsay Hodges for the Carrion Crow. Tony Donaldson for the female Blackcap. Alex Coroliu for the Glaucous Gull, this photo was taken at Greenore,Carlingford Lough.


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