
Bird News Thursday 20th February

The Little Egret was still behind McDonalds at Dundonald. (Paul Scott)

Circa 20 Purple Sandpipers were at Newcastle (Noel Austin)

53 Black Tailed Godwit were seen flying over the fen at Portmore Lough. (CiarĂ¡n Burns)

Two Snow Buntings were seen on Castlerock beach (Alex Tinlin)

Killybegs, Donegal today had 4 Kumlien's (two 1st & two 2nd winter) 6 Glaucous and 5 Iceland Gulls (Seamus Feeney)

Yesterday a Slavonian Grebe, 6 Great Northern Diver and 6 Razorbill were between Glenarm and Carnlough (Colin Irwin)

Thanks to Noel Austin for these Purple Sandpiper pics and Alex Tinlin for the Snow Bunting and Dick Glasgow for the Rook:

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