
Bird News Wednesday 19th February

The Glossy Ibis was at Closet Meadows at Oxford Island and the male American Wigeon at Reedy Flat (Billy Miskelly)

A Little Egret was in the Enler river behind Macdonalds in Dundonald (Chris Henry)

The Spoonbill was on the shingle bank at Castle Espie this afternoon.

The adult Iceland Gull, was still at Greencastle, Donegal. The Red-necked Grebe, was at Inch Lake, Inishowen, Donegal (Theo Campbell and Christine Cassidy)

About two dozen redwings were in Lurgan Park this afternoon (Robert Scott)

A male Brambling was still visiting a garden at Belmont Road, Belfast (Philip West)

Mark Avery has asked if our users would sign a petition to help protect Hen Harriers. You can see more at:

Thanks to Noeni Bryars for this pic of Purple Sandpipers at Groomsport and Iris Millar for the female Stonechat:

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