
Bird News Saturday 12th April

The female King Eider was still at Portnoo, Co Donegal along with 9 Long-tailed Ducks (Chris Ingram)

The Spoonbill was still at Castle Espie this morning.

A drake Green-winged Teal and 2 Little Gulls (adult and juvenile) were at the Quoile Pondage today. Male and female Pintail too. (David Nixon)

2 Red Grouse were this morning at Glenoo mountain nr Fivemiletown,Co Tyrone. (Colin Bell)

A Mediterranean Gull was on the shoreline at Brompton Road , Bangor West today (Colin Guy)

There were about 30 summer plumage black-tailed Godwit, a Whimbrel, 15 Swallows and 3 Shoveler at Reedy flat, Lough Neagh (James O'Neil)

The Glossy Ibis was still at Glynn and an adult summer Ring Billed Gull at the RSPB Belfast Harbour reserve (Stuart McKee)

31 Pale-Bellied Brent were still at Millisle Beach this afternoon (David Mccormick)

500 Golden Plover were on the roof of the Enkalon factory in Antrim (Mark Smyth)

Thanks to Karl Martin for the pics of a Rock Pipit and Fulmars, Colin Guy for the Mediteranean Gull and Stuart McKee for the Glossy Ibis and the Ring-billed Gull:

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