
Bird News Sunday 13th April

The drake Green-winged Teal & the 2 Little Gull (ad and juv) were still at the Quoile Pondage. 2 Blackcap, a single Redwing & a female Wheatear were at St. Johns Point. (Richard Hunter)

A Glossy Ibis was seen at south-west Lough Beg. It was observed from 10:00 am until 10:45 until it disappeared behind rush. Also 440 Black Tailed Godwit were feeding at Paddy's Dubh. The Glossy Ibis was still at Lough Beg at 19:15, along with 2 Pintail and 19 Ruff (1 in summer plumage), with an increase of Black Tailed Godwit to 750. (CiarĂ¡n Burns)

This morning 2 House Martin's were in Plumbridge, Co Tyrone (Brian Hegarty)

A 1st winter Kumlien's Gull was at the mouth of Inver River, Larne Lough. (Neal Warnock)

Two white wagtail at Brigg's Rocks. (Richard Weyl)

A Goshawk few across the A1 towards Hillsborough at 18:25 today (Fulton Somerville)

Swallows now seem to be widespread.

Thanks to Karl Martin for these pics of a feeding drake Eider and a Sandwich Tern:

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