
Bird News Thursday 10th April

Seen over Saintfield at 1245 today : 5 Buzzards and a Red Kite wheeling northwestwards. A Raven harried the first Buzzards to split from the group. The Red Kite eventually made its way alone westwards. (Philip Ferguson).

Late news from yesterday, a 2nd year Mediterranean Gull and the hybrid Snow Goose were at Glynn in Larne Lough. The Mediterranean Gull had a white ring on it's left leg which appeared to read e742. (Cameron Moore).

An Osprey was just to the north of Dundrum Bay this morning. (Dan Baillie).

Holme Bay near Killyleagh had a Great Northern Diver, 20 Pale-bellied Brent, 3 pair of Eider and a Swallow (Spencer and Joan Marshall).

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Mediterranean Gull and the hybrid Snow Goose and to Christine Cassidy for the picture of the Meadow Pipit chasing lunch.

Mediterranean Gull - Cameron Moore 

Hybrid Snow Goose - Cameron Moore
Meadow Pipit - Christine Cassidy

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