
Bird News Wednesday 9th April

A late Redwing was at Ballyworfy near Annahilt, Co Down earlier this morning (Adam McClure)

A Grey-bellied Brent is in Dundrum Inner Bay, Co Down (Birdguides)

An adult Golden Eagle was in the Knocklayd area of Ballycastle this morning (Kerry Leonard)

A high count of 1,100 Black-tailed Godwit were along the western shore of Lough Beg. 10 Ruff were at Paddy's Dub and 12 Whimbrel at Mullagh (David Steele)
2 Little Gull (adult and immature) were off the hide at Quoile Pondage (Derek Polley)
A Chiffchaff, several Willow Warblers, 2 Swallow, a Dipper, Grey Wagtail and 2 Wheatear were at Collin Glen (Dot Blakely)

The Red-crested Pochard was still at Oxford Island (Alex Coroliu)

Thanks to Neil Cartmill for this picture of a Lesser Redpoll. Also thanks to Jim Crozier for the pic of a probable Goldfinch / Linnet cross. The Red-crested Pochard is from Alex Coroliu:

Lesser Redpoll - Neil Cartmill

An unusual finch! - Jim Crozier

Alex Coroliu - drake Red-crested Pochard

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