
Bird News Thursday 17th April

A first winter Iceland Gull, an Arctic Skua and two Manx Shearwater were seen from the ferry to Tory Island (Chris Ingram)

A Great-spotted Woodpecker was seen at Lagan Meadows, Belfast (Brian Murphy)

Portmore Lough RSPB reserve today had a male Wheatear, 2 Grasshopper Warblers reeling, 6 Swallows, 4 House Martins, a Kestrel pair, 250 Golden Plover and 60+ black-tailed godwits (Amy/Laura/Ken/Phyllis)

The two Glossy Ibis were still at Oxford Island (Bird Guides)

This morning 3 male Wheatear and 2 Swallow, Myroe Levels Co Derry (Brian Hegarty)

5 House Martin were along Castlewellan Road in Banbridge (Karen Elliott)

Three Sedge Warblers were at Lough Neagh (Irish Birding)

Copeland Bird Observatory today had a Ring Ouzel (the first ringed  there in 14 years), 6 Greenland Wheatear,  a Carrion Crow, 6 Willow Warbler and 2 Chiffchaff (Chris Acheson)

Thanks to Viviene Beck for this pic of Long-tailed Tits collecting cob-webs for a nest. Also Stephen Maxwell for the Great-crested Grebes:

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