
Habitat Damage

At this time of year we get many reports about hedgerows being cut / damaged and fields being drained - a reflection of diminishing habitats in NI for our birds and wildlife. However two recent reports demonstrate that the NI environment continues to be under enormous pressure.

Firstly Dick Glasgow contacted us regarding a Heather fire in north Antrim. As you can see in his pics below, this is only one field away from Breen Forest & less than a mile from one of our national treasures: Breen Oakwood National Nature Reserve. Had this fire travelled further it could have resulted in a real disaster. However no doubt this destruction has decimated a number of ground nesting species.

A second habitat to be affected during the breeding season was brought to our attention by Lindsay Hodges and involves damage to Kinnegar shore (see third pic below). The drainage channels have been widened and water levels have dropped in the ponds. Enquiries seem to show that this work has been carried out without any consideration on birds breeding and feeding in the area.

Both of the above highlight the continuing challenges that our wildlife face.

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