
Bird News Monday 19th May

The Osprey was still at Corbet Lough, Banbridge this morning. (Andy Cleeve)

Five Spotted Flycatcher, three Whitethroat and a Redwing passed through Copeland Bird Observatory at the Weekend (Wesley Smyth)

Three Little Terns were on the beach at Ballykinlar. The birds were viewable from the shoreline opposite at the mouth of Dundrum bay, accessed via Murlough. Approximately 450 Sanderling were also present. (Stewart McKee)

A Glossy Ibis was in a wet field along the Portaferry Road near Ardkeen at 3pm. (Thom Shannon).

3 Sanderling and an adult Mediterranean Gull (with a green ring) were at Sandy Bay in Larne Lough and the first-summer Little Gull, a Wheatear and 2 Gadwall at Glynn (Cameron Moore).  

Yesterday a first-summer Little Gull and a Whimbrel were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).

For those interested, there has been an amazing record of a  Bermuda Petrel seen and photographed at sea, 170 nautical miles northwest of Slea Head today (Niall Keogh) -

Thanks to today's photographers, to Christine Cassidy, David Hill and Tom McCreery:

Dunlin - Christine Cassidy
 Guillemot - David Hill
Linnet - David Hill
Cuckoo - Tom McCreery

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