
Bird News Sunday 18th May

NI mega: A Red-rumped Swallow was seen this morning for a total of 30 minutes flying round a garden near Strangford Village, Co Down. (Craig Nash). It is worthwhile looking out in the wider area inc Castle Ward / Quoile where there are large numbers of Hirundines.

An Osprey was hunting this morning at Corbet Lough bear Banbridge (Andy Cleeve)

The drake Garganey was still at Inch, Co Donegal (Christine Cassidy and Theo Campbell)

Unusually, a pair of Ravens nested in a Scots Pine in a  garden in Newcastle and the young are just about to fly. (Jim Wells)

The first-summer Little Gull, a Sedge Warbler and a Carrion Crow were at Glynn in Larne Lough (Cameron Moore)
A Cuckoo was at Crocknafeola Wood between Hilltown and Kilkeel in the Mourne Mountains (Ann McComb)
Six Sanderling, 11 Ringed Plover and 4 Dunlin were at Ballyholme beach (George Henderson)

A White Wagtail was at Greencastle, Co Down (Ian Jackson)

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for this pic of a Swallow, Christine Cassidy for the Garganey, Ian Jackson for the White Wagtail and Sean Hennessy for the pictures of the Osprey:


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