
Bird News Monday 5th May.

An Avocet was at the Quiole Pondage this evening, the Garganey and a Little Gull were also present.(Tim Murphy)

A drake Green-winged Teal is on the wader marsh at Castle Espie.(Stuart McKee) see pic. below.

A Reed Warbler was singing at the reed bed at Kinnegar.(Stuart McKee)

South Down... 100 Sanderling and 50 Dunlin were on the beach at Murlough. The male Garganey and 200 Common Tern were at Quiole Pondage.(David Clarke, John Pyper)

A first summer Med Gull and 2 Purple Sandpiper were on Cockle Island, Groomsport.(George Gordon)

A Twite was at the Giant's Causeway visitors Centre.(Robert Scott)

A Curlew Sandpiper was at Inch Co.Donegal.(Chris Ingram)

Cuckoo - Tom McCreery.

Purple Sandpiper - Stephen Foster.

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