
Bird News Sunday 4th May

Lough Cowey, Outer Ards had a Glossy Ibis that flew over just after 9am (Keith Bennett)

A Little Gull and a drake Garganey are at the Quoile, Co Down. (Birdguides)

41 distinct species were recorded at WWT Castle Espie this afternoon including the Spoonbill, a Buzzard, Sedge Warbler and 14 Light Bellied Brent (Kevin Kirkham-Brown)

A Quail was calling at Paddy's Dubh, Lough Beg (David Steele)

2 male Garganey were in a pool at Blackers Rock along the west shore of Lough Neagh (Godfrey McRoberts).  

As a correction 300 (not 500) Whimbrel were at Lough Beg on the 1st (David Steele).

120 Whimbrel were at the Colebrooke River, Upper Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh. (Brad Robson).

This morning Larne Lough had a minimum of 35 Whimbrel around the Ballycarry Bridge area. Off Blackhead was a raft of 200 Manx Shearwater and 2 Red-throated Diver. Portmuck had 1 Red-throated Diver and 2 Common Dolphin. (Ian Enlander).

Thanks to today's photographers, Karl Martin and James McDowell.

 Raven - Karl Martin
 Sandwich Tern - James McDowell
 White Wagtail - James McDowell
Rock Pipit - James McDowell

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