
Bird News Thursday 5th June

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at the Quoile. (Chris Murphy)

2 adult Mediterranean Gull and 2 Whimbrel were at Glynn in Larne Lough (Joe Lamont)

At Briggs Rocks this morning a Roseate Tern flew past calling and shortly afterwards 2 adult Mediterranean gulls flew overhead calling (Colin Guy)

Unfortunately a Red Kite (Blue 13) and two chicks have been found dead at a nest, presumably poisoned, at Katesbridge, County Down. Please report any suspected wildlife crime to the PSNI on 101 or anonomously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for this pic of a Black Guillemot and Roger Greeves for the Reed Bunting:

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