
Bird News Wednesday 4th June

The drake Ring-necked Duck was at the Quoile pondage this morning (Tim Murphy)

The first summer Little Gull was still at Kinnegar Lagoon (Wilton Farrelly)

There are now 3 Garganey at Portmore Lough (Gerard McGeehan).

A Red Grouse was at Lllendrum Windmill Farm, nr Fivemiletown Co Tyrone. Tempo had a pair of Spotted Flycatcher and pair of Ravens. (Colin Bell).

The Little Gull was still at Kinnegar Pool this evening. (Stephen Maxwell).

Thanks to today's photographers, to David Hill, Christine Cassidy, Karl Martin, Stephen Maxwell and Martin Lamb:

Reed Bunting - David Hill

 Black Guillemot - Christine Cassidy
 Black-tailed Godwit - Karl Martin
Common Tern - Karl Martin
Little Gull - Stephen Maxwell
 Hen Harrier - Martin Lamb
Hen Harrier - Martin Lamb

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