
Bird News Thursday 28th August

Approximately 800 seabirds were feeding/roosting on Briggs Rocks this morning consisting of adult and juvenile 
Common Terns, Arctic Terns and Kittiwakes. A juvenile Mediterranean Gull was present within the flock. (Colin Guy)

2 Swift flew south over Islandhill about 11am (Dick Haydon)

The Little Stint, although elusive, was seen again at Lough Mourne near Carrickfergus. 2 Ruff were also present (Stuart McKee)

At about 7:45pm this evening there was 7 swifts flying over the Hogstown Road near Donaghadee. (David McCormick)

Many thanks to Dick Glasgow for this pic of a Wren and Stuart McKee for the Little Stint. You can see more bird pics at :

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