
Bird News Wednesday 27th August

2-3 Arctic Skuas were chasing terns off Kearney, Outer Ards, this evening. (Keith Bennett)

Two late Swift were over the County Hall, Coleraine this morning. (Jim Flanagan)

A very late Goldfinch nest was found in a garden at Kilmore, Lurgan. It had three large chicks which were just about to fledge. (Jim Wells)

A Swift was today over Derrygonnelly, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)

200 Sandwich Tern (4 of them colour-ringed), 50 Common Tern and a Greenshank were at the west end of Ballymacormick Point in Belfast Lough. A Whimbrel was at the lagoon at the east end (George Henderson)

An Arctic Skua offshore at Barr Hall Bay, at about 4pm this afternoon (David McCormick)

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for this pic of Siskins:

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