
Bird News Friday 26th September

A Yellow Wagtail was along Martin's Lane, Newry near the A1. (Frank Carroll).

An adult Mediterranean Gull (with a white ring and black letters E742) was at Tyrella beach. Yesterday a second-winter Mediterranean Gull was at Rossglass near St John's Point and an adult Mediterranean Gull at Dargan Bay in Belfast (Chris Murphy, Tim Murphy).

The Ring-billed Gull was in the East Strand car park in Portrush, see picture below. (John Clarke).

The Marsh Harrier was showing well in front of the hide at the Quoile this afternoon, see picture below. Please be aware that due to cut backs there is not enough staff to open and close the hide at the weekends so if anyone is going there they would need to check in centre for a key. (Tony Donaldson).


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